

Action Points

After the tutorial, I drew each frame of the smoke scene.
And I improved the flower opening scene, changed the butterfly's flying path.


video reseach

About the animation of plastic bags, I thought of the famous scene of the film American Beautiful.

and I seached time lapse flower to draw the smoke scene.


The flies animation

I did the animation of flies flying. I drew each frame of this part.


New Flower Texture

I changed the texture and colour of the flower.
I think the new one is much better than previous one, and I also add a frame layer to overlay the animation.
I am drawing each frame of flies.


the Garbage Hill

I did three new silhouettes for the garbage hill. I added many domestic garbage to make the outline of the garbage hill clear and beautiful.
I tried to create a layer of waste paper overlay the hill.


Rough video with Sound

I did a rough video for the animation to make clear the connection between scene 1 to 2.
I've requested a friend of my roomate to compose a soundtrack for my animation. He did a quite lovely soundtrack, but he just gave me the demo, and will record the soundtrack later.